Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It's getting effing cold out there. I actually haven't run in this cold of weather in a long time. Prolly not since soccer in high school. It definitely takes some getting use to. The feeling of sweat freezing is not something that is a great feeling.

Got myself some spandex and a long sleeved running shirt and have been running. Effing freezing. Gotta try to stay lose for the big race on november 23rd. I know that I am not doing the half marathon anymore but a 8K is still the longest race that I have done so far. Nate is coming done for the race so I must not disappoint him.

I miss riding my bike but I have decided that it is too cold for that now. 2 weekends ago I went for a ride up at my parents and it was way too cold. Especially when getting some major wind going down a huge hill.

Well thats all for now.


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