Along the Skuykill river, there are two roads on each bank, that run parallel, Martin Luther King Drive on the West Bank and Kelly Drive on the East. Very nice wide sidewalk perfect for running and biking. It is like an urban oasis that many city dwellers propagate in the mornings and evenings to get their daily work out in. Needless to say, it gets pretty crowded.
Above is a picture so you can see the little map. It's not really great but you get the idea. Come sometime and I will show you around.
Biking felt really great. I am really learning to get a good control of this weightless machine below me and have even figured out how to shift gears without killing myself....almost...
16 miles and I felt like I could go forever. It was really great and feeling the wind rush by was a perfect end to the evening.
I was going so fast that this was all that could be captured of me.... wooosh.

cool exercise! and look fun.
after friday work I love to workout with my friend.
How did you stumble on this blog by chance?
Thanks for the comment and keep up the exercise!
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