Saturday, September 27, 2008

10.2 ... PLUS 3.5

Well i figured it was time to stop my slacking and hammer down for the next week and  a half before the marathon in Baltimore.  What better way to "hammer down" than head out for a 10.2 mile jaunt.  

So i did.

Felt great.  Fast.  I was probably at about a 7 minute per mile pace by the end of it and felt like i still had some gas left.  Legs weren't sore, strides were long and fluid...  tack on an extra 3.5 miles?  SURE!  Why not!!!

About a mile in, it hit me.  I started to hurt... a lot.  Legs started feeling like lead, stride shortened... breathing was still unlabored, but i was just running out of gas.  It probably didn't help that i was foolish and failed to stop at any point for water or a refuel.

Finally got home, pounded 2 bottles of water, and ate a banana that tasted absolutely glorious.  My legs were definitely in pretty bad shape though.  As i sit here, my quads are pretty sore.

Finished up 13.7 miles in 1:45:34 which equates to 7:42 per mile.  So that was a little over a half marathon training session today.  If i fuel and prep properly for the race in Baltimore, i think that the 3:25 mark is definitely in reach... although i'm really cutting it close at the moment.

Hopefully i can get about 50-75 miles of training in before the race, rest for a few days, and be good for the big day.  

Only time will tell.

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