Thursday, September 4, 2008


Not a fan of them.  Alas, they are a necessary evil.

Cycled 30.1 easy miles today.  Came in at about 16 mph average and that was with 3 pretty big hill workouts (climbs) in there.  Legs felt good and could have easily kept going for a while longer.  The only thing was that it was mid to upper 80's and i could feel the heat coming up from the pavement.  

Got home, got a drink, changed into my running gear, did a quick #1 and off for a 3.5 miler.  Now, i've done a brick before, but none really serious.  I usually putter around and take at least 15 - 20 minutes between my bike and run when i'm training, or do the run first, or wait hours while i sit down, have 3-4 sandwiches and play a game of MLB 2K6 on xbox (i'm 31-7 as the Toronto Blue Jays right now.)

This "transition" was about 5 minutes tops.

The run was tough.  Hamstrings hurt and just felt like i ran out of gas.  Came in at 25:11 which is a 7:11 mile pace, but still not good enough.  


Just had dinner (mmm, pulled pork) and i'm heading to the pool in about an hour for 3,000 - 5,000 yards.  

The Finger Lakes Tri is coming up fast!

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