Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27: First Annual Bocce-Whiskey-Croquet Triathlon A Success

Memorial Day weekend brought a birthday party (Friday) followed by a weekend getaway (Easton, PA: The Austria of Rural Eastern Pennsylvania).

On Friday I completed an upper body workout followed by a ten minute run and a 35 minute bike-spring. Since I don't trust any of the digital measurement devices on the stationary bike I just set the resistance high and pedaled as hard as I could for fifteen minutes, dropped down to rest for 5, then picked it up again for another fifteen. The poison ivy I got exactly two weeks ago today had created a large area of dry skin on my leg and when I got off the bike the guy next to me asked, "How come your leg is falling off like that?" I smiled and responded, "Too much dedication." Which got me a quizzical look. So I said, "Poison ivy." Looking back, I should have said, "...and Mr. Freeze." But it's hard to be snarky when you're tired. And itchy.

As noted in the title, I did compete in a particularly cutthroat triathlon this weekend in Easton. I was strong in bocce and whiskey on Sunday, but I went for a morning run by the Delaware River Monday morning and I think it sapped my strength as I was unable to assert myself on the croquet pitch (field? grounds? downs?) The yellow/black team was forced to accept a 2nd place finish behind the always-strong red team.

Next year, red. Next year.

1 comment:

Eric Puglisi said...

skin falling off your leg is gross.

that's all.