Monday, July 28, 2008



I have been very lackadaisical about keeping up with the blog. I feel like the month of July just disappeared. Poof...gone..into thin air. I have still been training and have not been very good at logging it into the site. For this I apologize.

Tonight was actually a night for biking. 11 miles, again had to stop because the sun was going down. Legs and breathing felt okay, but the problem is that the trail is so freaking crowded with soccer moms power-walking, little kids swerving on their skateboards and bikes, and the hundred other runners and bikes.

I seriously need to go home for a weekend to train. I could have open roads and actually swim in a lake. August 16th I will be home so that will be good.

Also doing a little better with the swimming. I got these new nose plugs that fit nicely with my goggles so I am doing better with my breathing.

The LIVESTRONG race is coming up so I am very excited for that. It will be nice to have the whole team together, doing what we do for a great cause. I am doing pretty well on my fundraising, but please DONATE if you can!!!

Got an email today... 54 days til race day. Can't wait!!!

My brother and I talked the other night about training. He is doing a lot better with his joints since he has been on the supplement. I still need to be him in the bet though. Remember, whomever beats the other gets $100 towards a new tattoo.

Wish me LUCK!!!!



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