Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So i've decided that i'm going to continuously update my distances on here... my system so that people can see what i've done and so i can publicly be  held accountable for my training or lack thereof.  haha.  Here we go:

June - 
Swimming: 0 yards
Biking: 0 miles
Running: 12 miles.

July - 
Swimming: 0 yards
Biking: 2 miles
Running: 4 miles

Stellar June i had, eh?  ::vomit::

Wanted to cycle more today, but i ran a 4 miler before going, and i had some serious cramping issues with my quads.  Just did a light two miles to try and work it out... but to no avail.  Tomorrow will be a cycle first day with the run directly after.  Still working out the details with they gym and various pool and coach availability... so hopefully i'll get that squared away soon.

Man it feels good to be training again.

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