Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8/26 - Chiro-practical or waste of money?

I want to start out by reiterating how impressive Nate's run was on Sunday. I ran as hard as I could and finished with 7:08 per mile, while Nate, hampered by a mob at the start, still finished well under 7 minutes per mile.

List of Animals Nate Could Beat in a 5K:
Koala, Toad, Sloth, Minnow, Small Yappy-Type Dogs, Housecat, Polar Bear, Falcon, Me, Tired Cougar, Lazy Cheetah, Chester Cheetah, Shia LaBoeuf, Flea (the animal, not the bassist).

List of Animals That Could Beat Nate in a 5K:

Ostrich, Greyhound, Eagle (bald), Angry Giraffe, Cougar, Rocket-propelled Snake, Bol Weevil on Ice Skates, African Swallow, Shia LaBoeuf's Golden Monkey Army, Iron Man.

I ran 3 miles this morning after a heavy drinking night at the Phillies game yesterday (3-0 win over the Dodgers and Manny Ramirez). If I can get one online, I'll post a photo of the poster I made for Manny Ramirez (Manny Being Mopey). I won 25 bucks off a friend by correctly guessing that the gal in front was older than 23 and that her name started in the 2nd half of the alphabet (Vanessa).

I went to the chiropractor this morning for the fifth time since my rib slipped out of place. That's $100 I've spent so far, and although I feel much, much better, I think I'm going to cancel my next appointment and stick it out from here. If things go south again, I'll go to a real doc. Thoughts on Chiropractics?

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