Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Speed Workout #2. Whisper It... Sub 5 minute Mile.

So it's been roughly 3 weeks since my last speed workout at the track.  

Three weeks since I last wanted to cry from being so physically depleted.

At least this time I knew what I was getting into this time around.  Lets recap what I ran just 3 short weeks ago.  Actually... lets do a side to side comparison between the first speed workout and todays 2nd speed workout to show the differences.

.................July 30, 2008.......August 19, 2008
400  -.................1:24..........................1:15
800  -.................1:20.........................1:12
1200 -.................1:18.........................1:12
1600 -.................1:17 .........................1:13
2000 -.................1:22.........................1:13
2400 -.................1:23.........................1:11
2800 -.................1:27.........................1:13
3200 -.................1:25.........................1:14
3600 -.................1:25.........................1:14
4000 -.................1:21.........................1:11
4400 -.................1:22.........................1:16
4800 -.................1:12.........................1:08

Mile 1 -................5:29.........................4:52
Mile 2 -................5:37.........................4:51
Mile 3 -................5:20.........................4:49

3 Mile -................16:26........................14:32

One word: INSANE!  Not to shabby for a lil' old soccer player, eh?

My average times today were on mark with my fastest last lap time 3 weeks ago.  Keep in mind that I ran 14 miles yesterday, cycled 24 miles this morning, there was a strong headwind down the back stretch, and I wasn't running fresh.  So there is definite room for improvement!

Tomorrow it's up early for a swim session, another 20 or so miles of cycling (gotta break that 600 mile mark,) 10 - 14 miles of running, and ending up the day with a 2nd swim session since I was bad and skipped one today.  If I still have anything left, maybe go to the gym and get some lifting in.

I'm feeling great.  Fit.  Strong.  Confident.  Been icing the joints and so far everything is holding up.

There's still room to get better, faster, stronger.  Lots of room.

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