Thursday, August 28, 2008


26:30.3 is a time of the past.

Tonight I did my own 5K in 24:00.6. Take that LIVESTRONG.

Wait.. that sounded bad.

Take that slow time. I knew I could be faster.

The first mile felt very good. The streets were empty and I hit every light just right. It was in the second mile that my ribs started to hurt. It felt like they were getting ripped out of me (sorry Akon...haha) but I powered through. By the time I started the loop back, the pain was gone and I started the small incline that lasts for 14 blocks. Sweet. 3rd mile was great and I had a great finish. I should really memorize the distances so I can get my split times.

All in all a good time and I feel good. Let's see how low I can get that time.



ps. Yes We Can!

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