Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today we celebrate Eric's achievements in the race. I think it's fair to say that no non-survivors at the 5K worked harder to prepare for that run than EP. You guys (all, what, 6 of you?) read about his work on this blog, the rest of us heard his excitement every day. And so while Ian's outfit may have been snazzier, Eric deserves some serious props for his preparation and his run. Word on the street is that he's going to try the bike race next year, which means this will be his only Livestrong 5K. Suffice it to say it won't feel the same without him next year. Though there will be many men, many women, many children, a few dogs, the occassional manatee, and Bill the Self-Conscious Duckling running next year, it just won't feel the same. Where will the nervous energy come from?! The only thing that will stay the same next year is that Teresa will get just as good of a photo of Eric crossing the finish line (Just kidding, T, just kidding)

So give it up for EP!

Tomorrow we'll throw confetti for either Ian or MelissaKelly, unless I block her out of the blog with a misplaced forearm (my b).

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